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Affordable Dental Implants

Potential patients that have taken some time to research dental implants might come to the conclusion that ‘affordable dental implants’ can be somewhat of a myth. Truth be told however, with the advanced implant technology available, implant treatments are now available that can be quite affordable. For those looking to improve their smile, settling on the cheapest implants available is not always the best idea. In order to get the most implant for your money, learn about types of implants available, and see if any offer an affordable solution that will provide stable, long-lasting results.

Traditional dental implants have been available to patients for years. This procedure can be quite invasive for patients—it requires multiple visits to the dentist that can span anywhere from three to nine months—factors which ultimately affect the overall treatment cost. However, sometimes this implant option is the best for patients, and once complete, provides the results they are looking for.

As technology has advanced, a newer implant treatment has become available—mini dental implants. Mini dental implants, also known as MDI’s, are quite similar to their more traditional counterparts, however their differences in structure and technology are what ultimately lower overall cost.

One of the great benefits of mini dental implants is that they can often be placed in just a single dental visit. Within a few hours, a patient’s smile can be transformed; this is due to the minimally invasive nature of the MDI treatment. Traditional implant treatments involve more invasive surgical techniques, but mini dental implants involve only a small incision—one that does not require stitches post treatment. Because this form of implantation is less invasive, patients do not require downtime post treatment, and the implants can be used immediately following the procedure.

Another factor that can influence the affordability of dental implants is the implant size and structure. Mini Dental Implants are much smaller than traditional implants—about half the size—meaning less materials used for creation, thus reducing cost.

When compared to other forms of tooth replacement, the upfront cost of dental implants is quite high. But patients must take all of the long-term benefits into consideration when making their ultimate decision. Affordable dental implants are a possibility. Discuss all of your options with your dentist to see if this treatment is right for you.